Intergen possesses the capability and technical knowledge for handling the entire process, from the development of technical specifications to installation.
A team of industry professionals guarantees a presale service for an analysis of problems and to select appropriate products based on customer needs.
Designing is entrusted to a team of technicians who, thanks to never-ending technological development of the product, is able to meet the most sophisticated customer needs.
All of the systems are factory acceptance tested and Intergen is able to provide installation and start-up of plants by specialized technicians from headquarters.
The aftersales service is ensured by a team from headquarters that manages the external assistance network located in the territory and connected in real time via IT tools, in order to guarantee the immediate availability of spare parts and human resources.
“Customer Service” is part of this service which, in addition to maintenance, guarantees the complete operation of plants for the production of basic energy.
IT tools installed at the headquarters are used for the remote management of systems thus making it possible to optimise the provided services.
Starting from an analysis of energy consumption, a group of expert technicians carefully evaluates the customer’s needs to propose the most adequate engineering solutions. Intergen possesses the technical abilities and knowledge in-house to be able to take care of the entire process: development of the design, technical specifications, installation, even commissioning and maintenance for the entire life cycle of the plant.
Designing is entrusted to a staff of technicians who, thanks to the continuous technological development activity of the product, is able to meet the most sophisticated customer needs, offering a wide range of solutions that best meet changes in all needs.
Intergen is specialised in the construction of turnkey plants, and acts as a 360 degree general contractor; it ensures a high standard of excellence and innovation and uses the most advanced technologies which combine high energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and excellent reliability, proven by the hundreds of thousands of hours of operation of plants we have installed. The production activities are carried out in industrial sheds equipped with hoisting devices that allow assembly of units up to 100 tons.
Il crescente consolidamento del parco clienti testimonia l’affidabilità che Intergen si è conquistata negli anni grazie alla propria competenza e professionalità. Tutti i progetti di Intergen sono coperti da un processo di certificazione sin dalle prime fasi, dalla progettazione alla realizzazione finale, garantendo soluzioni tecnicamente performanti ed economicamente competitive. L'esperienza acquisita con la gestione di impianti di notevole complessità consente a Intergen di guardare con sicurezza al futuro.
Per Intergen sostenibilità significa fornire energia sicura, economica e accessibile. Intergen persegue un modello di sviluppo consapevole della necessità di conciliare la crescita economica con il benessere ecologico e sociale.
Alta efficienza
La valutazione del risparmio energetico viene preceduta da una diagnosi che individua le possibilità di aumentare l’efficienza energetica del sistema. Lo strumento principale per conoscere la situazione di partenza e quindi intervenire efficacemente è la diagnosi energetica: si tratta di un’analisi approfondita condotta attraverso sopralluoghi presso l’unità produttiva e l’esame dei documenti disponibili.
Acceptance testing
Intergen can perform different types of acceptance testing, both at the end of the production process in the factory and at job sites, to check the performance of the manufactured plants.
Two very modern test rooms of 5 MW each have been available at the Lomagna site since 2008, plus the historic 1 MWe test rooms where diesel supplied units are tested before being shipped.
A team of highly experienced technicians ensures commissioning for customers all over the world, for diesel, natural gas, biogas, etc., applications.
For commissioning Intergen uses highly qualified technicians and a network of specialised companies able to ensure a successful outcome for plant commissioning.
Intergen’s diligent and constant presence during this phase guarantees fast intervention and maximum assistance for all problems.